Faraday effect in Tb3Ga5O12 in a rapidly increasing ultrastrong magnetic field

The Faraday effect is measured in paramagnetic terbium gallate garnet Tb3Ga5O12 at a wavelength λ=0.63 µm at 6 K in pulsed magnetic fields up to 75 T increasing at a rate of 107 T/s for field orientation along the crystallographic direction 〈110〉. The experimental data are compared with the results of theoretical calculations taking into account the crystal fields acting on the Tb3+ ion and various contributions to the Faraday rotation. Since the measurements in pulsed fields are carried out in the adiabatic regime, the dependence of the sample temperature on the magnetic field acting during a current pulse is obtained from the comparison of the experimental dependence of Faraday rotation with the theoretically calculated dependences of the Faraday effect under isothermal conditions at various temperatures.
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