Research Paper: The RelaƟ onship between OrganizaƟ onal CiƟ zenship Behavior and OrganizaƟ onal Commitment in Welfare Staff (Tehran 2013)

ObjecƟ ve The purpose of this study was to invesƟ gate the relaƟ onship between organizaƟ onal ciƟ zenship behavior, organizaƟ onal commitment and its dimensions on the Welfare staff in Tehran in year 2013. Materials & Methods In this cross - secƟ onal study, one hundred eight staff of Tehran Welfare were selected by random sampling method according to the sample size of the previous studies. Data were collected using two standard quesƟ onnaires OCB, and OrganizaƟ onal Commitment, which includes the three dimensions, affecƟ ve commitment, normaƟ ve commitment and conƟ nuance commitment and they were analyzed by staƟ sƟ cal methods such as: Pearson correlaƟ on coefficient and ANOVA. Results The findings showed there was significant and posiƟ ve correlaƟ on between OCB and organizaƟ onal commitment (P≤0.01, r=0.325). Also, there was a significant posiƟ ve relaƟ onship between dimensions of organizaƟ onal commitment, affecƟ ve commitment and normaƟ ve commitment with OCB, but there was not significant relaƟ onship between OCB with conƟ nuous commitment. ANOVA results showed that the mean of OCB in terms of age, type of employment and record of service, mean of conƟ nuous commitment in terms of type of employment and mean of affecƟ ve commitment has a significant difference with record of service of employees. Conclusion Based on the findings, we conclude that by promoƟ ng the concept of organizaƟ onal ciƟ zenship behavior, the organizaƟ onal commitment of staff of Tehran can be increased. A B S T R A C T
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