The different energy loss mechanisms of inclusive and b-tagged reconstructed jets within ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions

The phenomenon of jet quenching provides essential information about the properties of hot and dense matter created in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Recent results from experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) show evidence for an unexpectedly similar suppression of both light and heavy flavor jets. Furthermore, the role of radiative energy loss of heavy quarks is still under active discussion within the theoretical community. By employing the parton cascade Boltzmann Approach to Multi-Parton Scatterings (BAMPS), which numerically solves the 3+1D Boltzmann equation both for light and heavy flavor partons, we calculate the nuclear modification factor of inclusive and b-tagged reconstructed jets in 0-10% central $\sqrt{s}$ = 2.76 ATeV Pb+Pb collisions. Based on perturbative QCD cross sections we find a rather similar suppression of light and heavy flavor jets. To further investigate light and heavy flavor energy loss we predict the $R$ dependence of inclusive and b-tagged jet suppression. Furthermore, we propose the medium modification of b-tagged jet shapes as an observable for discriminating between different heavy quark energy loss scenarios.
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