Hyperfine structure in the configuration 4f 115d6s 2 of Er I

Hyperfine constants of low lying levels of the configuration 4fl15d6s 2 in ErI have been measured for the only stable odd isotope, 167Er, using high resolution laseratomic-beam spectroscopy. Hyperfine parameters were evaluated from the experimental data using the effective tensor operator formalism. For this purpose eigenfunctions have been determined from an analysis of the fine structure energies of Er I as well as from ab initio multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock calculations. With the latter method also ab initio hyperfine constants for the levels investigated were evaluated. A comparison of calculated fine structure energies, Land6 gs-factors and hyperfine constants with the experimental data allowed a test of the reliability of the fine structure and multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock wavefunctions. Effective nuclear electric quadrupole moments for 167Er have been determined from the experimental hyperfine constants using both calculated relativistic electronic radial integrals and hyperfine parameters for the 4f and 5d electrons in the configuration 4f~t5d6s2 in ErI. From a comparison with the nuclear quadrupole moment measured in the mesic atom Sternheimer shielding factors are calculated. Configuration-interaction contributions to the radial integrals /"-3\01 of \r /~nl the 4f and 5d electrons have been determined.
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