Empyemát, haemorrhagiás pericarditist és acalculosus cholecystitist okozó Eikenella corrodens szepszis | Empyema thoracis, hemorrhagic pericarditis and acalculous cholecystitis caused by Eikenella corrodens sepsis

A szerzők 29 eves nőbeteguk esetet ismertetik, akinel a garatmandulak sebeszi eltavolitasa utan egy honappal bal oldali empyemaval szovődott tudőgyulladas es pericarditis alakult ki. Korokozokent Eikenella corrodenst azonositottak a thoracotomiabol vegzett dekortikacio es empyemakiuritessel nyert mellkasi folyadek tenyesztese soran. A beteget celzott antibiotikus kezelest kovetően tunet- es panaszmentesen emittaltak. Korhazi tavozasat kovető egy honap utan heveny felhasi panaszokkal kerult surgősseggel a sebeszeti osztalyra. Ekkor acalculosus cholecystitis mellett pericardialis punkciot igenylő haemorrhagias pericarditist eszleltek. A polyserositisszel jaro korkepet a ritkan előfordulo Eikenella corrodens okozta szepszissel magyaraztak. A beteg ket alkalommal vegzett pericardiocentesis es celzott antibiotikus, nem szteroid gyulladascsokkentő es mycosis kialakulasa miatt antimycoticus kezeles mellett egy honap utan gyogyultan hagyta el az intezmenyt, es azota is tunet- es panaszmentes. Orv. Hetil., 2013, 154(47), 1873–1876. | The authors present a case of a 29-year-old woman who was diagnosed with pneumonia in the left side complicated with pleural effusion and hemorrhagic pericarditis one month after she had undergone tonsillectomy. Eikenella corrodens was identified as pathogenic agent when the empyema was removed during thoracotomy. After the patient was given antibiotic treatment she was discharged from the hospital without any symptoms or complaints. However, one month after she had left the hospital she was readmitted to the surgical unit as an emergency because of acute abdominal complaints. On admission acalculous cholecystitis as well as hemorrhagic pericarditis requiring pericardiocentesis were also observed. A rare cause of sepsis, Eikenella corrodens was identified which resulted in a severe disorder including polyserositis. Pericardiocentesis was performed two times and the patient was given targeted antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. She was also treated with antimycotics as she had developed mycosis. After one month the patient recovered and was discharged from the hospital. No further recurrence of symptoms or complaints was observed during follow up. Orv. Hetil., 154(47), 1873–1876.
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