Interdependence and life care planning

Today's society is more litigant in accidental injury occurrences. With many injuries involving children, malpractice suits have resulted in an influx of information and rehabilitation supports. To address the growing need for legal representation in life care planning for injured persons, this easily understood tool provides the injured party with a viable approach to community interdependence and inclusion. Contrary to the conventional medical model, where the person with a disability is viewed as needing ‘fixed’, this approach examines culture, community and the long term effects of disability. The individual with a disability is seen and understood within four aspects of personhood: capacities, gifts and passions; inclusive relationships; personal involvement; and understanding their culture and community. This life care planning process examines five eras in one's life cycle: formative/school age years, early work years, later work years, and retirement years. The specific needs of the individual in ...
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