Clinical and laboratory criteria of gravity and the principles of treatment of acute infectious mononucleosis, Epstein-Barr virus etiology of the children

The lecture presents the results of many years own research and analysis of the literature on the clinical presentation and therapy of acute infectious mononucleosis, Epstein-Barr viral nature of children. The detailed characterization of the leading clinical syndromes such as fever, intoxication, lymphoproliferative, gepatolienalny syndrome, exanthema. The clinical and laboratory criteria for evaluating the severity of the disease. Principles of drug therapy are presented in accordance with clinical guidelines (treatment protocol) and standards of care for children with infectious mononucleosis. In the treatment leading place etiotropic and immunotropye funds. In pediatric practice, the most widely used and combined antiviral drug viferon immunotropic who appoint 150 000 IU - children up to 7 years, 500 000 IU - children 7-12 years and 1 000 000 IU - children over 12 and adults 2 times per day every 12 hours within 10 days. After a course of therapy with interferon will be a significant reduction in terms of the febrile period and intoxication, difficulty breathing and nasal lymphoproliferative syndrome, a significant reduction in the duration of hospital stay. Viferon also has a positive effect on the speed of the normalization of the hemogram and hemostasis indicators, such as prothrombin time and activated partial (partial) thromboplastin time. Synthesis of endogenous interferon inducers (anaferon children, tsikloferon, derinat) cause prolonging circulars in the blood of its own interferon. Antibiotic therapy is conducted at parenchymatous tonsillitis, taking into account the sensitivity of selected microorganisms. Symptomatic therapy includes the use of fever-reducing, vasoconstrictors, antihistamines. With the development of toxic-allergic rash viferon-apply ointment, gel viferon, allergoferon.
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