Изучение иммуногенных свойств наночастиц селена и золота, конъюгированных с антигеном вируса трансмиссивного гастроэнтерита свиней

There was performed the study of the transmissible-gastroenteritis-virus-antigen-conjugated immunogenic properties of selenium nanoparticles and gold. In comparative immunobiological studies there was found that immunization of guinea pigs driven by the colloid-seleniumas well as colloid-gold-conjugated transmissible gastroenteritis virus antigen of swine, leads to activation of the respiratory activity of lymphoid cells and peritoneal macrophages, which is directly related to increased activity of antibody-producing cells and activation of antibody generating. The obtained data suggest that the colloid particles promote antigen presentation to the reticuloendothelial system organs. In addition, there was established that these carriers stimulate production of proinflammatory cytokines, which leads to a complete and consistent immune response of both cellular and humoral components of immune system.
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