[Comparison of the effects of 2 preparations of cyclosporin A-- Consupren and Sandimmune--from the aspect of functional and morphologic changes in rats with renal ischemia].

BACKGROUND: Cyclosporine A is in transplantology an irreplaceable immunosuppressive agent. Its only manufacturer preparation Sandimmune--was the Swiss firm Sandoz. In 1990 the Czech firm Galena introduced cyclosporine A with the name Consupren on the market. The objective of the present investigation was to assess whether the nephrotoxic effect of the two preparations is comparable, or whether it differs. METHODS AND RESULTS: In a group of 65 rats after unilateral nephrectomy and 45-minute ischaemia of the remaining kidney the nephrotoxic action of cyclosporine preparations Sandimmune (Sandoz) and Consupren (Galena, CZ) administered in doses of 10 mg/kg body weight/24 hours throughout the experiment was investigated. The functional and morphological examination was made 3 or 21 days following nephrectomy. After three days the serum levels of creatinine, urea, sodium, osmolality and their urinary excretion as well as the intensity of proteinuria and morphological findings using light and electron microscopy did not differ in the two groups. The same was found during follow-up after 21 days; the small difference in the serum creatinine level only (Sandimmune 96.0 +/- 9.7 mumol/l, Consupren 111.4 +/- 11.2 mumol/l; p < 0.005) may be associated with the significantly higher cyclosporin levels following Consupren administration. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of the investigation support the idea that even after ischaemic kidney damage the nephrotoxicity of Consupren is not higher than that of Sandimmune.
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