Core fucosylation of IgG B cell receptor is required for antigen recognition and antibody production.

Ag recognition and Ab production in B cells are major components of the humoral immune response. In the current study, we found that the core fucosylation catalyzed by α1,6-fucosyltransferase (Fut8) was required for the Ag recognition of BCR and the subsequent signal transduction. Moreover, compared with the 3-83 B cells, the coalescing of lipid rafts and Ag-BCR endocytosis were substantially reduced in Fut8 -knockdown (3-83-KD) cells with p31 stimulation and then completely restored by reintroduction of the Fut8 gene to the 3-83-KD cells. Indeed, Fut8 -null ( Fut8 −/− ) mice evoked a low immune response following OVA immunization. Also, the frequency of IgG-producing cells was significantly reduced in the Fut8 −/− spleen following OVA immunization. Our results clearly suggest an unexpected mode of BCR function, in which the core fucosylation of IgG-BCR mediates Ag recognition and, concomitantly, cell signal transduction via BCR and Ab production.
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