Design of Pop Rice Based ORS Formulation: Physicochemical and Microbiological Investigation

Pop rice (Khoi) prepared from paddy (locally called Gios Paddy) without sand heating. Then it was grinded to fine powder and then packed into a sachet (high density polyethylene sachet). The salt ingredients were kept separately into the same sachet. After reconstitution all the physicochemical and microbiological tests were performed time to time to investigate whether formulation can be effectively used for the treatment of diarrhoea upto 8 hours. It was observed that the electrolytes concentration and osmolarity remained same in addition to small change of pH within this time peroid. Furthermore, total bacterial count and total fungal count were found within the standard specification upto 6 hours and also the pathogenic bacteria was found absent in the pop rice based ORS solution. Therefore, pop rice powder based ORS solution can be easily and effectively used for the treatment of diarrhoea.
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