Interoperability Challenges in Healthcare Blockchain System - A Systematic Review

EHR is the digital record of the medical history of the patient. It has solved many issues related to data handling and its security. A detailed study is required to implement this technology under modern technology and standards to minimize errors in integration. Present solutions lack interoperability and blockchain;therefore, theymust undergo further discussion and research related to it. This research aims to examine the interoperability challenges and issues of blockchain EHR frameworks as per the national and international standards of EHR. It will follow the interoperability standards in the EHR framework in terms of medical data distribution, sharing, and data dependability. The research is based on a systematic review of previous researches; 156 articles were excluded as they were based purely on blockchain and had little or no part of EHR, and 11 articles were selected based on the keywords selected in this research. Innovative interoperability framework and blockchain-based framework found to be successful in solving the current challenges in EHR. However, the issues of EHR can be resolved by bringing advancement in EHR. The research has contributed to highlighting the related challenges and solution in EHR implementation and presented a solution that will help to manage the data, security of information related to the patient and the benefits of blockchain and interoperability of EHR
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