Tracking the Catalytic Cycle of Adenylate Kinase by Ultraviolet Photodissociation Mass Spectrometry

The complex interplay of dynamic protein plasticity and specific side-chain interactions with substrate molecules that allows enzymes to catalyze reactions has yet to be fully unraveled. Top-down ultraviolet photodissociation (UVPD) mass spectrometry is used to track snapshots of conformational fluctuations in the phosphotransferase adenylate kinase (AK) throughout its active reaction cycle by characterization of complexes containing AK and each of four different adenosine phosphate ligands. Variations in efficiencies of UVPD backbone cleavages were consistently observed for three α-helices and the adenosine binding regions for AK complexes representing different steps of the catalytic cycle, implying that these stretches of the protein sample various structural microstates as the enzyme undergoes global open-to-closed transitions. Focusing on the conformational impact of recruiting or releasing the Mg2+ cofactor highlights two loop regions for which fragmentation increases upon UVPD, signaling an increas...
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