Coronavirüs Enfeksiyonu Hastalığının (COVID-19) Epidemiyolojisi ve Kontrolü

Ozet Aralik 2019’da Cin’in Wuhan sehrinde, deniz urunleri pazari kaynakli yeni bir coronavirus cesidi kisa surede pandemi haline gelmis ve tum ulkelerin ortak problemi olmustur. Şiddetli Akut Solunum Sendromu Coronavirus-2 tek zincirli, pozitif polariteli, zarfli, ribonukleik asit virusudur. COVID-19 solunum sistemini hedef almaktadir ve insandan insana bulasma damlacik yoluyla gerceklesmektedir. Virusun cansiz yuzeylerde sag kalimini surdurebilmesi temas yoluyla da bulasmayi mumkun kilmaktadir. Hastaligin belirtileri arasinda ates, nefes darligi, oksuruk yer almaktadir. Olgularin cogunda hafif semptomlar gorulse de, pnomoni, akut solunum sikintisi sendromu, coklu organ yetmezligi ve olumu gibi agir seyirli klinik durumlar da mevcuttur. Maske kullanimi, sosyal mesafe ve el yikama COVID-19 salgininin onlenmesinde anahtar rol oynamaktadir. Yeni taninmaya baslanan bu enfeksiyon hakkinda hala cok sey ogrenilmesi gerekmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Coronavirus, COVID-19, pandemi,epidemiyoloji. Abstract In December 2019, a novel coronavirus originating from a seafood market in Wuhan, China became a pandemic in a short time and a common problem for all countries. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 is a single-chain, positive polarity, and enveloped ribonucleic acid virus. COVID-19 targets the respiratory system and humanto-human transmission occurs by inhalation of respiratory droplets. The virus’s survival on inanimate surfaces also makes it possible to be transmitted by contact. Symptoms of the disease include fever, shortness of breath, and cough. Although mild symptoms are present in the majority of the cases, there are also severe clinical conditions such as pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, multiple organ failure, and death. Mask use, social distancing, and hand-washing play a key role in preventing the spread of COVID-19. Much still needs to be learned about this newly recognized infection. Keywords: Coronavirus, COVID-19, pandemic, epidemiology.
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