Development of component of intelligent combined model of simulator for training skippers in trawl and purse seine fishing

Currently, training centers of the world leading countries are looking for the ways, techniques and methods to improve the training efficiency and quality, providing various groups of trainees with support of their self-learning activities, computer-based training, collective and individual solution of training and practical problems. All this determines the relevance of improving the methods of knowledge presentation and measurement in training and testing systems, developing new techniques, methods, models and algorithms for adaptive control of training and knowledge testing processes. Analytical models of five types of trainees and training management events are synthesized in the form of classes of management alphabets and trainees. Analytical models of trainees and management events allow determining and changing the type of the trainee at each stage of studying the materials of the discipline depending on the knowledge testing results at a certain stage and making decisions on the training process management depending on the trainee's information assimilation results. This makes it possible to adapt the TTP (training and testing process) in PC of the ITTS (intelligent training and testing simulator) network to the individual characteristics of trainees and dynamically manage the TTP. The organization model of the management system of CTTS (computer training and testing system) adaptive to the characteristics of trainees and a block diagram of the adaptive ITTS are developed based on the analytical models of trainees and management events. The management criterion of the adaptive ITTS is initialized. The classification methods of situations and management criteria of the training and testing process in eliminating critical situations are developed. The training and testing process model and functioning algorithm of the TTP in the ITTS network are designed.
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