Ultrashort Electron Beam Generation and Diagnosis by Linear Accelerator Ultrashort Electron Beam Generation and Diagnosis by Linear Accelerator

A 240-fs 18-MeV electron single bunch was generated and synchronized with a 100- fs 0.3-TW Ti:sapphire laser with the time reso- lution of 330 fs. We have upgraded and tested four diagnostic tools/methods: a femtosecond streak camera, a coherent transition radiation (CTR) interferometer, a far-infrared polychromator, and a fluctuation method. The subpicosecond synchronization system is used to study radiation chemistry. We are close to experimentally demonstrating that a 10-fs tens-of-megaelectronvolt electron single bunch can be produced by laser plasma ac- celeration using a 12-TW 50-fs laser. This will enable a pump-and-probe analysis system with a time resolution of tens of femtoseconds to explore the boundary between physics and chemistry. 1. Introductionscience and technology
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