Coronally positioned flap with subepithelial connective tissue graft for root coverage: various indications and flap designs.

Aesthetic concerns and functional abnormalities, such as dentin hypersensitivity, are often associated with gingival recession defects. Root coverage procedures aim to restore both gingival aesthetics and function in recession defects. The coronally positioned flap combined with the subepithelial connective tissue graft is one of the most widely used root coverage procedures. The present report illustrates four different indications where this procedure has been successfully employed. An isolated Miller class II recession defect associated with frenum pull, multiple adjacent Miller class I defects in the aesthetic zone, an isolated Miller class I defect associated with dentin hypersensitivity, and an isolated Miller class II defect on a retained deciduous tooth are the four diverse conditions treated by periodontal plastic surgery. Different approaches were used to create the coronally positioned flap. Treatment resulted in complete root coverage, resolution of hypersensitivity, and satisfaction of the patients’ aesthetic concerns. An effective and predictable treatment modality, such as the coronally positioned flap combined with the subepithelial connective tissue graft, should be considered when treatment planning for gingival recession defects.
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