Studies on Some Fungi from Northwestern Wyoming. IV. Miscellaneous

The previous papers of this series (19) were concerned with the Pyrenomycetes and Fungi Imperfecti which were collected by the writer during the summer of 1940. A general account of the area and of specific localities in which these collections were obtained will be found in the first paper. The present paper lists the fungi of the groups not previously treated, chiefly the Uredinales and Discomycetes. The rusts are abundant on a wide variety of hosts in this region. Most of the species collected have been previously reported from the Northwest. Many fleshy fungi and Discomycetes also occur in this area but their occurrence is very sporadic, depending upon the local and occasional rains, or upon other sources of moisture as springs, moist creek beds and the like. Most of the fungi of this type were collected upon two occasions, in Indian Paint Brush Canyon in the Teton National Park and at the Hoback Canyon Forest Camp, as can be seen from the localities cited. Both of these collecting trips were made into these localities a few days after one of the heavy local showers of late summer. Dr. A. H. Smith has kindly determined the Agaricaceae.
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