Avaliação de clones de híbridos IAC de cana-de-açúcar, série 1985, na região de Jaú (SP)

Ten sugarcane clones obtained from crossings carried out in 1985 in Camamu, State of Bahia, were evaluated in a trial in the Jau region, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The trial started in February, 1991 and used a complete randomized block design with six replications. Statistical analyses for cane and sugar yield (t/ha) and sugar content (pol % cane) were performed with four harvest means. Data on number of stalks, stalk weight, yield decline index, fiber % cane and flowering intensity, are also shown. According to these characteristics compared to two varieties used as control, SP70-1143 and SP71-1406, the clone IAC85-3229 showed good potential with possibility of inclusion in varietal management studies for other regions of the State of Sao Paulo.
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