Esophagocardioplasty with gastric patch in the treatment of achalasia

Result of operative treatment in 196 cases of achalasia was reviewed. The procedures employed include cardiolysis, Heller's extramucosal myotomy, Wendel's cardioplasty, Heyrovsky's esophagocardiostomy, with and without pyloroplasty, cardiac resection and esophagocardioplasty with gastric patch. Follow-up study on 166 cases revealed that the result was classified as good in 99 cases or 59.6 per cent and improved in 46 cases or 27.7 per cent. Overall satisfactory result was obtained in 87.3 per cent. When the result was broken down to groups following three classifications, i. e. according to X-ray, endoscopic and manometric findings, the interesting correlation emerged. Heller's myotomy and esophagocardioplasty with gastric patch gave best results in early stage of achalasia, while in later stage the latter procedure seems to be the operation of choice.
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