Corrigendum to "The opposing roles of estradiol on synaptic protein expression in hippocampal cultures" [Psychoneuroendocrinology 34 (Suppl. 1) (2009) 123-129]

Dr. Gabriele M. Rune apologizes for having listed Dr. Christian Peters as a co-author of the paper (Fester et al., 2009) ‘‘The opposing roles of estradiol on synaptic protein expression in hippocampal cultures’’ (Psychoneuroendocrinology 34 (Suppl. 1) 123—129) and having cited the results of his work without his signed authorization. Dr. Peters was not involved in the writing of the paper nor was he informed that his name was in the list of authors of the two versions of the publication. Therefore, the sentence cited below, which refers to the data contributed by Dr. Peters, needs to be deleted from the publication and Dr. Peters’ name needs to be removed from the list of authors. ‘‘In fact, according to real time RT-PCR, which was used to compare the amount of synaptopodin mRNA in estradiol-treated slice cultures to that in non-treated cultures, we found that synaptopodin mRNA expression was clearly downregulated compared to the controls’’ (pages 126—127). Psychoneuroendocrinology (2011) 36, 148
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