Importance of social tuberculosis prophylaxis for the Armed Forces in present conditions

: Lately social prophylaxis of tuberculosis has taken on special significance in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Thank to social measures of the modern military reform, such as reduction of conscription term, territorial principle of recruitment for the army, improvement of habitation, service and recreation conditions, improvement of quality and organization of a diet, improvement of quality of a uniform it succeeded in reducing tuberculosis morbidity in military servicemen from 2007 up to 2014 up to 65 percent. Nevertheless, the main ways of tuberculosis control in the army (military service prohibition for citizens with tuberculosis, early active case detection, prophylaxis in risk group, anti-epidemic measures in the army nidus of tuberculosis etc.) are still urgent. To increase an effectiveness of the work done it is necessary to specify procedure and period of preventive fluorography in military servicemen.
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