Luttinger liquid physics from the infinite-system density matrix renormalization group

We study one-dimensional spinless fermions at zero and finite temperature $T$ using the density-matrix renormalization group. We consider nearest- as well as next-nearest-neighbor interactions; the latter render the system inaccessible by a Bethe ansatz treatment. Using an infinite-system algorithm we demonstrate the emergence of Luttinger liquid physics at low energies for a variety of static correlation functions as well as for thermodynamic properties. The characteristic power-law suppression of the momentum distribution $n(k)$ function at $T=0$ can be directly observed over several orders of magnitude. At finite temperature, we show that $n(k)$ obeys a scaling relation. The Luttinger liquid parameter and the renormalized Fermi velocity can be extracted from the density response function, the specific heat, or the susceptibility without the need to carry out any finite-size analysis. We illustrate that the energy scale below which Luttinger liquid power laws manifest vanishes as the half-filled system is driven into a gapped phase by large interactions.
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