Produção do maracujazeiro amarelo em condições de sequeiro e irrigado em Jataí – GO - DOI: 10.7127/rbai.v3n100019

Nowadays the passion fruit plant can be irrigated with any one of the methods available: surface, sprinkler and drip irrigation. In the last method there is possible to apply fertilizers through water, what increases the efficiency and reduces the labor, allowing to turn flexible the time of application of the nutrients, that are fractioned according culture needs. To evaluate the phenological behavior, the productivity and the quality of the fruits an experiment in randomized blocks was implanted, with four repetitions. The treatments were: 1- not irrigated, with fertilizers applied on the soil; 2 - irrigated, with fertilizers applied on the soil; 3 - Fertirrigated, with the annual dose of fertilizers divided in four applications; 4-fertirrigated, with the annual dose of fertilizers divided biweekly along the year. Theflowering began about 120 days after transplanting and the first harvest occurred about 200 days, with interval among flowering and fructification on an average of 80 days. Significant difference was not noticed between the treatments in none of the parameters. Production picks were observed in August and January. The low temperatures and the short days that happen in the area trough May to July, interrupted the production on the months of October and November. The yellow passion fruit showed good development in the area, however a period of no production occurred, independent of the treatments. The produced fruits are of good quality, either for the market of fruits in-natura as for the industries of concentrated juice.
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