Praktyki pedagogiczne w szkole jako kluczowy element... uniwersyteckiej profesjonalizacji nauczycieli w Polsce

The article presents an analysis of the process of practical preparation of future teachers for performing professional functions. The legal acts concerning the organization of teacher education in Poland were reviewed, and the role of school practices in the development of teaching competences of students of pedagogical universities was also recognized. A separate chapter of the article concerns the organization of didactic and psychological-pedagogical practices at the Pedagogical University of Krakow. It presents the results of a preliminary study on the effectiveness of practices in the assessment of students. The research group consisted of students of the teaching specialty. The results showed a significant role of cooperation with the student’s school supervisor and favourable working atmosphere during the school practice for the future teacher competence formation. Students highly value the school practice experience, so it is important to develop close cooperation between pedagogical universities as the main centres for teacher education and different types of schools, in order to provide the necessary conditions for the organization of effective school practice for the students-future teachers.
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