Method of fabricating display with semiconductor circuits on monolithic structure and flat panel display produced thereby

Method of fabricating a display with silicon integrated circuits included on the same monolithic structure and the flat panel display produced thereby. The display which may be of the liquid crystal or electrochromic type, for example, is formed as an x-y matrix display having individual address transistors respectively asociated with each of the display units or pixels. The substrate is preferably of transparent material, such as quartz or a glass plate, on which a polysilicon layer is disposed. The polysilicon layer is patterned to provide a plurality of islands which are subjected to a laser annealing treatment at an intensity sufficient to cause recrystallization thereof. The polysilicon material in the islands is converted by the laser annealing to crystalline silicon having an enhanced electron mobility characteristic such that a matrix array of address transistors in the form of MOSFETS can be fabricated in the individual islands. Thereafter, elements of the display are formed in conjunction with the matrix array of address transistors, beginning with the formation of an array of metal electrodes in respective association with corresponding address transistors. Various peripheral circuits for the display, such as drive circuits, are formed in other islands of crystalline silicon resulting from the laser annealing of the polysilicon islands such that a monolithic structure including a display with silicon integrated circuits for operating the display is produced.
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