TECHNOLOGY Dynamic Neighbour Discovery on Manet Through Efficient Hello Messaging Scheme Using OSPF Protocol

In Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs), nodes are capable of frequently changing their location. For effective routing, each and every node is expected to keep track of its moving neighborhood. So whenever the neighbor node changes, all the other nodes should u pdate its routing table to invalidate the paths pas sing though old neighbors. This prevents the node from sending futu re packets to a node which is now not its neighbor, and thus preventing loss of packets. When network is highly dynamic neighborhood management becomes more important. Every node broadcasts a beacon, often known as HELLO packet, so that its neighbors may record its pres ence. Broadcasting HELLO packets consumes node energy. In this project work an alternative method for HELLO messaging is proposed to save energy and increase t he throughput. Instead of constantly sending the he llo packets to all the nodes for a specific time period. Otherwise to send the hello packets to the nodes which are i n active state, this method conserves the energy, eliminating the h ello packets to the broken links.
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