Изменение нейровегетативной регуляции у женщин, оперированных по поводу трубно-перитонеального бесплодия, под влиянием плазмафереза и озонотерапии

The objective of the present work was to evaluate the vegetative regulation in the women presenting with tubular-peritoneal infertility following endoscopic interventions and its modification under the influence of plasmapheresis and ozonotherapy. The secondary objective was to estimate the efficacy of the application of medical ozone in comparison with traditional antibacterial therapy. Vegetative homeostasis was assessed in 62 patients (allocated to 3 groups) with the use of the cardiointervalographic analysis, ventilation test, and mathematical analysis of the variability of cardiac rhythms as described by R.M. Baevsky. It was shown that the application of plasmapheresis in combination with ozonotherapy or medical ozone alone greatly promoted the improvement of the vegetative balance of the regulatory systems in the majority of the patients (95.5% and 73%) compared with the analogous parameter in the patients given only antibacterial therapy (52%). The results of the study give reason to recommend the use of the described approaches in the framework of a program for the rehabilitation of neurovegetative regulation in women suffering tubular-peritoneal infertility following plastic and reconstructive surgery.
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