Factors that affect the quality of the bio-waste fraction of selectively collected solid waste in Catalonia.

Abstract The present study determines the composition of the bio-waste fraction of waste and establishes correlations between the quality of this fraction and socio-economic/demographic variables. According to the Catalan Waste Agency [ Agencia de Residus de Catalunya (2004). Statistical data. Available from: ], the quantities of glass, paper/cardboard, light packaging and biodegradable material (those components of municipal waste that can be recovered, and have a separate collection) that were selectively collected in 2004 represent 25.6% by weight of the total municipal waste generated. There is a large spread of values from different cities. It is important to bear in mind that this percentage was calculated using the total weights of all of the materials present in the different bins used for selective solid waste collection, without taking account of the fact that many of these bins contain a certain amount of other, undesirable waste. In order to be able to determine the actual quantities that are recovered, it is necessary to establish the quality of the waste collected. To establish the quality of the waste collected, 350 samples were analysed, corresponding to the bins for the bio-waste fraction of solid waste in 193 different cities in Catalonia. Seven levels of quality were established for the study, depending on the amount of undesirable waste present. The results show certain correlations between the socio-economic/demographic factors studied and the percentage of undesirable waste present in the samples. The correlations presented here are not intended to be predictive, but rather indicative of a tendency, which should help us gain a better understanding of the behaviour of the society studied with respect to the separation of solid household waste at origin.
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