Quantization, Coherent States, and Complex Structures

Quantization, Field Theory, and Representation Theory: On Quantum Mechanics in a Curved Spacetime with Absolute Time (D. Canarutto et al.). Massless Spinning Particles on the Antide Sitter Spacetime (S. De Bievre, S. Mehdi). A Family of Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations: Linearizing Transformations and Resulting Structure (H.D. Doebner et al.). Modular Structures in Geometric Quantization (G.G. Emch). Diffeomorphism Groups and Anyon Fields (G.A. Goldin, D.H. Sharp). On a Full Quanization of the Torus (M.J. Gotay). Differential Forms on the Skyrmion Bundle (C. Gross). Explicitly Covariant Algebraic Representations for Transitional Currents of Spin1/2 Particles (M.I. Krivoruchenko). The Quantum Su(2,2)Harmonic Oscillator (W. Mulak). GeometricStochastic Quantization and Quantum Geometry (E. Prugovecki). Prequantization (D.J. Simms). Classical Yang-Mills and Dirac Fields in the Minkowski Space and in a Bag (J. Sniatycki). Symplectic Induction, Unitary Induction and BRST Theory (Summary) (G.M. Tuynman). Coherent States, Complex and Poisson Structures: Spin Coherent States for the Poincare Group (S.T. Ali, J.P. Gazeau). Coherent States and Global Differential Geometry (S. Berceanu). Natural Transformations of Lagrangians into pforms on the Tangent Bundle (J. Debecki). SL(2,IR)Coherent States and Itegrable Systems in Classical and Quantum Physics (J.P. Gazeau). Symplectic and Lagrangian Realization of Poisson Manifolds (M. Giordano et al.). From the Poincare-Cartan Form to a Gerstehhaber Algebra of Poisson Brackets in Field Theory (I.V. Kanatchikov). Geometric Coherent States, Membranes, and Star Products (M. Karasev). Integral Representation of Eigenfunctions and Coherent States for the Zeeman Effect (M. Karasev, E. Novikova). QDeformations and Quantum Groups, Noncommutative Geometry: Quantum Coherent States and the Method of Orbits (B. Jurco, P.Stovicek). On the Deformation of Commutation Relations (W. Marcinek). The qdeformed Quantum Mechanics in the Coherent States Map Approach (V. Maximov, A. Odzijewicz). Quantization by Quadratic Polynomials in Creation and Annihilation Operators (W. Slowikowski). On Dirac Type Brackets (Yu.M. Vorobjev, R. Flores Espinoza). Quantum Trigonometry and Phasespace Propensity (K. Wodkiewicz, B.G. Englert). Noncommutative Space-Time Impled by Spin (S. Zadrzewski). Miscellaneous Problems of Quantum Dynamics: Spectrum of the Dirac Operator on the SU(2) Manifold as Energy Spectrum for the Polyaniline Macromolecule (H. Makaruk). On Geometric Methods in the Description of Quantum Fluids (R. Owczarek). Galactic Dynamics in the Siegel Halfplane (G. Rosensteel). Graded Contractions of so(4,2) (J. Tolar, P. Travnicek). The Berry Phase and the Geometry of Coset Spaces (E.A. Tolkachev, A.A. Tregubovich). Index.
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