Formation of Counter Doped Shallow Junctions by Boron and Antimony Implantation and Codiffusion in Silicon

Very shallow p+/n junctions (lower than 60 nm) have been fabricated by implanting Sb and subsequently BF2, at a higher dose, in a n-type Si substrate. The preamorphisation with Sb avoids the B channeling and increases the n-type doping in the junction region, thus confining the depth of the p layer. Furthermore, both the transient enhanced diffusion, being the B implanted in a preamorphized layer, and the standard diffusion, due to the pairing between donors and acceptors, are strongly reduced. This procedure allows us to obtain very shallow junctions even after annealings with relatively high thermal budget, like 800 C/8h, or 900 C/lh, or 950 C/15min or 1000 C/60s. Dopant diffusion is strongly affected by the direct donor-acceptor interaction. Good agreement between experimental and simulation results can only be obtained using a simulation code which takes into account the formation of neutral, near immobile, Sb-B pairs.
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