Competition: Wireless-Transparent Sensing Platform.

In this abstract, we introduce our published work, Wireless-Transparent Sensing Platform (WTSP) and the improvements we made toward the EWSN dependability competition 2018. WTSP is a TDMA-based protocol adopting the concurrent transmission flooding (CTF). WTSP has two unique features on time slot scheduling. First, the sink node schedules slots on the fly; only several slots are determined within a schedule packet, and additional schedule packets are distributed once the distributed schedule is completed, making scheduling very flexible. Second, the scheduling is service-driven; scheduling is delegated to upper-layer services and each service directly makes a schedule, which allows the sink node to adapt to communication demands accurately. Given the multi-source multi-destination traffic pattern and harsh RF environments in the EWSN competition, several refinements have been made on WTPS including 1) a dedicated service that realizes UDP-like one-way streaming dissemination, 2) special forwarding nodes to allow progressive forwarding in CTF, and 3) adding source redundancy to improve the utility, reliability, as well as the latency performance.
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