Thrombolytic Therapy in Renal Vein Thrombosis

To the Editor. —I read with interest the article by Crowley et al 1 and the editorial by Harrington 2 in the January issue of theArchives. I agree that the concept of thrombolytic therapy in renal vein thrombosis is an exciting and potentially useful one. However, I think that it is important to point out several inaccuracies in the radiologic description of the case that Crowley et al described. The authors stated that a venacavogram showed total occlusion of the left and right renal veins and a large clot in the inferior vena cava. We 3-5 have reported that selective renal venography, rather than nonselective cavography, must be performed to demonstrate clots accurately within the renal veins. In addition, the third panel of Fig 1, which was supposed to show patency of the right renal vein, with total occlusion of the left renal vein, was, in fact, an injection
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