OZET Bu calisma CBS, GPS ve Google Earth teknolojilerinin birlikte kullanildigi bir etkinligin ortaogretim cografya derslerindeki uygulanabilirliginin test edilmesi amaci ile gerceklestirilmistir. Calisma Istanbul Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu ve Fatih Universitesi isbirligi ile Istanbul’da gorev yapan cografya ogretmenlerine verilen CBS kursu sirasinda gerceklestirilmistir. Calismaya Istanbul’daki 19 ilcede yer alan 25 farkli ortaogretim kurumunda calisan 25 cografya ogretmeni katilmistir. Calismada ogretmenler oncelikle Fatih Universitesi Istanbul kampusunde 18 noktadan toprak ve hava sicakligi ile bagil nem gibi degerleri GPS ile konum verilerini alarak arazide olcmuslerdir. Ogretmenler, topladiklari verileri CBS ortamina aktararak her bir deger icin dagilim haritalari uretmis ve bunlari Google Earth uzerinde gostermislerdir. Etkinligin degerlendirilmesi amaci ile calisma sonrasinda ogretmenler uzerinde bir anket calismasi uygulanmistir. Anket sonuclari SPSS 17 kullanilarak agirlikli olarak siklik analizleri seklinde degerlendirilmistir. Calismada CBS, GPS ve Google Earth’un birlikte kullanilmasi ile gerceklestirilen etkinligin cografya dersleri icin faydali bir ogretim yontemi olabilecegi gorulmustur. Anahtar Kelimeler: CBS, GPS, Google Earth, Cografya Dersleri, Ortaogretim ABSTRACT This study aimed at testing the applicability of an activity organized by using GIS, GPS, and Google Earth technologies together in secondary school geography lessons. The study was carried out during a GIS course which was organized for geography teachers working in Istanbul in cooperation with Istanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education and Fatih University. Twenty-five geography teachers participated in the study from 25 public high  schools located in 19 different districts of Istanbul. In the study, teachers first measured air temperatures, soil temperatures and relative humidity along with GPS data from 18 different locations in the Istanbul campus of Fatih University. The teachers then transferred data into GIS environment, produced digital map of each value on GIS, and showed the maps on Google Earth. In the end of the study, a survey was conducted on the teachers to evaluate the activity. Frequency analyses were mainly applied on the survey results by using SPSS. As the study revealed, the activity which was organized by using GIS, GPS, and Google Earth can be a useful teaching method for geography lessons. Keywords: GIS, GPS, Google Earth, Geography lessons, secondary education
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