Extreme Enhancement of Single-Molecule Fluorescence from Porphyrins Induced by Gold Nanodimer Antennas

Porphyrins are typically weak emitters, which presents challenges to their optical detection by single-molecule fluorescence microscopy. In this contribution, we explore the enhancement effect of gold nanodimer antennas on the fluorescence of porphyrins in order to enable their single-molecule optical detection. Four meso-substituted free-base porphyrins were evaluated: two cationic, one neutral, and one anionic porphyrin. The gold nanodimer antennas are able to enhance the emission from these porphyrins by a factor of 105–106 increase in the maximum detected photon rates. This extreme enhancement is due to the combination of an antenna effect on the excitation rate that is estimated to be above 104-fold and an emission efficiency that corresponds to an increase of 2–10 times in the porphyrin’s fluorescence quantum yield.
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