Recursion based parallelization of exact dense linear algebra routines for Gaussian elimination

Use of fast matrix arithmetic and modular reductions penalize fine grainsBlock recursive algorithms with OpenMP tasks can reach state of the art efficiencyThe libkomp library handles recursive tasks more efficiently than libgompRecursive PLUQ decomposition behaves best using explicit task synchronizationsDataflow task synchronizations improves efficiency on finer grain implementations We present block algorithms and their implementation for the parallelization of sub-cubic Gaussian elimination on shared memory architectures. Contrarily to the classical cubic algorithms in parallel numerical linear algebra, we focus here on recursive algorithms and coarse grain parallelization. Indeed, sub-cubic matrix arithmetic can only be achieved through recursive algorithms making coarse grain block algorithms perform more efficiently than fine grain ones. This work is motivated by the design and implementation of dense linear algebra over a finite field, where fast matrix multiplication is used extensively and where costly modular reductions also advocate for coarse grain block decomposition. We incrementally build efficient kernels, for matrix multiplication first, then triangular system solving, on top of which a recursive PLUQ decomposition algorithm is built. We study the parallelization of these kernels using several algorithmic variants: either iterative or recursive and using different splitting strategies. Experiments show that recursive adaptive methods for matrix multiplication, hybrid recursive-iterative methods for triangular system solve and tile recursive versions of the PLUQ decomposition, together with various data mapping policies, provide the best performance on a 32 cores NUMA architecture. Overall, we show that the overhead of modular reductions is more than compensated by the fast linear algebra algorithms and that exact dense linear algebra matches the performance of full rank reference numerical software even in the presence of rank deficiencies.
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