Erupción y retención del tercer molar en jóvenes entre 17 y 20 años: Antofagasta, Chile

La retencion intraosea y la erupcion en malposicion de 3Ms han sido muy estudiadas. Son causadas, probablemente, por disminucion del tamano de maxilares por cambios de habitos alimentarios, reduciendo el espacio retromolar, lo que dificulta la erupcion normal entre 15 y 25 anos de edad, y produce patologias o molestias por comprometer estructuras orofaciales proximas. Lo anterior, ha promovido la exodoncia profilactica u ortodoncica, incluso del germen dentario, con altos costos clinicos, hospitalarios, laborales, comprometiendo parte de los recursos destinados a financiar otros procedimientos quirurgicos orales, ademas de riesgos durante cirugia, postoperatorio y lesiones iatrogenicas temporales o permanentes. La muestra consistio en 100 jovenes de 17 a 20 anos de edad (50 mujeres y 50 hombres) de la ciudad de Antofagasta, sanos, sin malformaciones general y maxilofacial, sin haber presentado enfermedades infecciosas que alteraran odontogenesis y periodos eruptivos, sin exodoncias de 3M ni tratamientos ortodoncicos previos al examen de la radiografia panoramica y clasificando erupcion de 3Ms segun tablas de Pell-Gregory y Winter. Se determina 49,1 por ciento de 3Ms retenidos con p Intraoseous retention and anomalous eruption position of 3Ms had been widely studied. They are probably produced by reducing the size of jaws by changes in eating habits, reducing the retro molar space, making it difficult normal eruption between 15 and 25 years old, producing pathologies or discomfort by compromising nearly orofacial structures. The above, has promoted the extraction or prophylactic orthodontic, even from the dental germ, with expensives clinical cost, hospital surgery, compromising part of the resources to finance other surgical oral procedures, in addition to risks during surgery, postoperative and iatrogenic injuries temporary or permanent. The sample consisted in 100 young people aged 17 to 20 years of age (50 women and 50 men) of the city of Antofagasta, healthy, without general and maxillofacial malformation, without having submitted infectious diseases that distort odontogenesis and periods of eruption, without extractions of 3M nor orthodontic treatments prior to the examination of the x-ray overview and classifying eruption of 3Ms as tables of Pell-Gregory and Winter. It was determined that 49.1 percent of 3Ms were retained, with p
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