Geographical Information System for the Cultural Heritage and Protected Landscape of Regione Toscana

LaMMA Consortium, with collaboration of Regione Toscana and Ministero per i Beni e le Attivita Culturali (MiBAC), has created the web Geographical Information System for Cultural Heritage and Protected Landscape of Regione Toscana. This system now makes it possible to access the digital maps and the digital archives of archaeological, architectural and landscape related restrictions over the entire region. In order to continuously update the realized system for maintaining its utility and validity, Regione Toscana together with MiBAC signed a protocol agreement (2004), according to which every new restriction measure issued is sent as a copy also to the regional offices and then to LaMMA Consortium, that attends to update the digital archives and the digital maps. Thanks to this agreement, the system counts today over 18,000 measures, with an average yearly increase of almost 250 measures, that determine restrictions for 9.000 areas.
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