How to build e-governance in a digital society: the case of Estonia

catalaL’article explica i aborda el significat, el contingut i els beneficis de la governanca electronica, utilitzant l’exemple d’Estonia. La governanca electronica no ha de ser complexa legalment, pero cal entendre i analitzar les implicacions de les noves tecnologies. A Estonia, totes les bases de dades publiques estan connectades, proporcionant la possibilitat d’aportar dades una unica vegada (once-only principle). Els individus tenen facilment una visio de conjunt de les seves dades i de com s’utilitzen. Els serveis digitals estan centrats en les persones i son accessibles mitjancant targetes d’identificacio i codis a l’abast de tota la ciutadania i els residents. Explicar l’exemple estonia i les seves implicacions legals pot servir d’inspiracio a altres paisos. MultipleThe article explains and discusses the meaning, content and benefits of e-governance, using the example of Estonia. E-governance does not have to be legally complex, but it is necessary to understand and analyse the implications of new technologies. In Estonia, all public databases are linked, providing the possibility to apply the once-only principle. Individuals have easy overview of data held about them and how they are used. E-services are citizen-centric and accessed with the ID card and codes that all citizens and residents have. By explaining the Estonian example and its legal implications, inspiration may be given to other countries.
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