PM2.5 exposure close to marijuana smoking and vaping: A case study in residential indoor and outdoor settings.

Abstract We conducted 35 experiments for spatial measurement of marijuana aerosols in a current smoker's residential spaces. Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations were measured every second at 1, 2, and 3 m horizontal distances from the smoker who performed prescribed 5-min smoking and vaping activities. In each experiment, five SidePak monitors measured PM2.5 concentrations at five different angles facing the front of the smoker, representing the worst-case exposures. We studied the effect of distance from the smoker for two marijuana sources – smoking a marijuana cigarette, or joint, and vaping a liquid-cartridge vaping pen. Experiments were conducted in the family room indoors and in the backyard outdoors where the smoker normally consumes marijuana. Indoor marijuana vaping had higher average exposures (5-min PM2.5) at 1 m distance than indoor marijuana smoking, but the levels from indoor vaping decreased more rapidly with distance (e.g., 77% reduction for vaping versus 33% for smoking from 1 to 2 m). Smoking and vaping in the outdoor environment reduce the average exposures down to 20% indoors at 1 m). Plotting the frequency of exceedance versus distance could offer additional guidance for a recommended minimum distance from a marijuana source.
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