Early evolution of endoparasitic group in powdery mildews: molecular phylogeny suggests missing link between Phyllactinia and Leveillula.

Of the 17 genera of the Erysiphaceae, only four genera (viz. Leveillula, Phyllactinia, Pleochaeta and Queirozia) exhibit (partly) endoparasitism. To investigate early evolution of this endoparasitic nature, we performed molecular phylogenetic analyses of powdery mildews belonging to the tribe Phyllactinieae collected in North and South America. The most ancestral taxa in the tribe Phyllactinieae belong to the Pleochaeta/Queirozia group, from which the genus Phyllactinia was derived. Finally, the truly endoparasitic genus Leveillula emerged from a part of Phyllactinia. The present study showed clear evolutional polarity in the powdery mildews concerned (that is, partly endoparasitic group evolved from ectoparasitic group) and then a truly endoparasitic group emerged from a partly endoparasitic group. In addition, a group with distinctly dimorphic conidia proved to be basal in the Phyllactinieae, and a group without distinctly dimorphic conidia was derived from that group. The present analyses clearly showe...
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