A fishbowl with piranhas: coalescence, convergence or divergence?

Agile software development practices including XP and Scrum have risen to prominence within the software engineering community over the past ten years. Are agile software development practices converging? Are some practices becoming more integrated and/or more widely adopted than others? In the early 90s there was a convergence of object-oriented design methodologies - is a similar pattern being repeated within the agile software development community? Several years ago conferences featured debates on the number of practices inherent to XP - or for that matter what constituted XP. Is the Agile community on the verge of converging to standardization or do individual practices retain their individually and evangelists/disciples? A somewhat related question is: Can an agile practice be applied out of the box or is some assembly required? What does it take to get agility going in an organization? Does it work as advertised? What practices work and play well with others? Hear the experiences of panelists in their attempts to actually make agile work in the real world. From Crystal, DSDM, FDD, LEAN, Scrum, to XP (and others) - participants will to share their perspectives and experiences. Be warned - this fishbowl will be stocked with piranhas.
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