Factorial analysis and invariance by sex and age of the Anger Rumination Scale ARS Spanish version

espanolLa rumiacion ira es pensamiento perseverativo sobre un evento personalmente significativo ocurrido a la persona o las demas que conlleva a la ira y se constituye como factor de riesgo para la agresion. El objetivo fue realizar un analisis factorial confirmatorio e invarianza por sexo y edades de la Anger Rumination Scale [ARS]. Se conformo una muestra no probabilistica de 640 personas con entre 18 y 63 anos (M = 31.07, SD = 11.27), agrupadas por sexos (252 hombres, 378 mujeres) y edades (278 menores de 25 anos, 352 mayores de 25 anos). Los instrumentos fueron el ARS y el cuestionario de agresion reactiva y proactiva RPQ. Se encontro que el ARS presenta un ajuste favorable en un modelo de cuatro factores correlacionados con covarianzas residuales. A su vez, resulto invariante entre sexos y edades luego de imponer restricciones progresivas en el modelo confirmado, y presento correlaciones significativas con la agresion reactiva y proactiva como evidencias de la validez de criterio predictivo. Se concluyo que el ARS presenta indicadores adecuados de fiabilidad y validez para ser usado en el contexto colombiano. EnglishAnger rumination is perseverative thinking about a personally significant event that occurred to the person or others that leads to anger and constitutes a risk factor for aggression. The aim was to perform a confirmatory factor analysis and invariance by sex and age of the Anger Rumination Scale [ARS]. A non-probabilistic sample of 640 people between 18 and 63 years old (M = 31.07, SD = 11.27), grouped by sex (252 men, 378 women) and ages (278 under 25 years old, 352 over 25 years old) was formed. The instruments were the ARS and the RPQ reactive and proactive aggression questionnaire. It was found that the ARS presents a favorable fit in a four-factor model correlated with residual covariances. In turn, it was invariant between sexes and ages after imposing progressive restrictions on the confirmed model and presented significant correlations with reactive and proactive aggression as evidence of the validity of predictive criteria. It was concluded that the ARS presents adequate indicators of reliability and validity to be used in the Colombian context.
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