Особенности встречаемости гемангиом наружных покровов у недоношенных детей в зависимости от гестационного возраста и массы тела при рождении

Comparative study of distribution of incidences of skin hemangioma in prematurely born children depending on their gestational age and body weight at birth is presented in article. Retrospective research on the basis of medical documentation (medical history of newborns) involved medical documents (form №097/у) kept in the Department of Pathology of Newborns and Prematurely Born Children of the Perinatal Clinic of the city of Smolensk 2013, 2014 and the period of 2015 (in 9 months from January to September). Depending on gestational age prematurely born children from gemangioma of external covers were divided into three groups: the 1st group (n=11) with the term of a gestation of 27-30 weeks; the 2nd group (n=14) with the term of a gestation of 31-33 weeks; the 3rd group (n=8) with the term of a gestation of 34-36 weeks. Depending on body weight at the birth prematurely born children from gemangioma of external covers were distributed: with body weight less than 1000 grams the 1st subgroup (n=7), with body weight 1000 -1500 grams the 2nd subgroup (n=6), with body weight from 1500 to 2000 grams the 3rd subgroup (n=9), with body weight more than 2000 grams the 4th subgroup (n=11). It was established that the occurrence of gemangiy in prematurely born children depends on their gestational age and body weight at birth. Risk factors for skin hemangioma in prematurely born children are their gestational age less than 30 weeks and extremely low body weight at birth.
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