análise da cOrrelaçãO entre picO de tOrque, desempenhO funciOnal e frOuxidãO ligamentar em indivíduOs nOrmais e cOm recOnstruçãO dO ligamentO cruzadO anteriOr funcTional performance and Knee laXiTy in normal individuals and in individuals suBmiTTed To anTerior cruciaT e ligamenT reconsTrucTion

7 abSTracT Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyze the correlation between deficits in the isokinetic peak torque of the knee exten- sors and flexors with hop tests, postoperative knee laxity and functional scores in normal and ACL- reconstructed subjects with patellar tendon and hamstring tendon autografts. Meth- ods: Sixty male subjects were enrolled and subdivided into three groups: Twenty subjects without knee injuries (GC group) and two groups of 20 subjects submitted to ACL reconstruction with patellar tendon (GTP group) and hamstrings autograft (GTF group). Results: The results showed significant correlation be- tween knee extensors peak torque and performance in the hop tests for GTF and GC groups. There are no significantly cor- relations between post op knee laxity and Lysholm score com- pared with the hop tests and peak torque deficits. Concerning the differences between groups, the GTP group showed greater peak torque deficits in knee extensors, worst Lysholm scores and higher percentage of individuals with lower limb symmetry index (ISM) < 90% in both hop tests when compared to the other two groups. Conclusion: It is not recommendable to use only one measurement instrument for the functional evaluation of ACL-reconstructed patients, because significant correlation between peak torque, subject's functional score, knee laxity and hop tests were not observed in all groups.
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