A new cracking method for group V hydrides in the MOCVD growth using triethylindium (TEI)

Abstract We have demonstrated a new cracking method, which uses a self-cracking system (SCS), for group V hydrides such as PH 3 and AsH 3 in the MOCVD growth of In 1− x Ga x As y P 1− y and ( Al x Ga 1− x ) y In 1− y P using triethylindium (TEI) as a source material. The SCS can be explained as follows; PH 3 and/or AsH 3 are introduced by passing through a line located near the RF-heated susceptor into the reactor tube, resulting in pre-cracking of the PH 3 and/or AsH 3 before they are mixed with TEI. By the use of this SCS, we have found that the In atom is introduced into the solid more effectively than with conventional methods. In particular, for the case of the MOCVD growth of In 1− x Ga x As y P 1− y , it was found that the low-pressure-SCS (LP-SCS) method is most suitable for the incorporation of both In and P. Details of the growth conditions, electrical and optical properties of epitaxial layers are also presented. This SCS is one of the most promising techniques for the MOCVD growth of compound semiconductors using TEI.
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