Application of a Novel Mass Spectral Data Acquisition Approach to Lipidomic Analysis of Liver Extracts from Sitaxentan-treated Liver-Humanized PXB Mice

The application of a data independent acquisition (DIA) method (“SONAR”) that employs a rapidly scanning quadrupole, for the lipidomic analysis of complex biological extracts is described. Using this approach the MS acquisition window can be varied between 1-25 Da enabling the isolation of ions prior to their entering the collision cell. By rapidly scanning the resolving quadrupole window over a specified mass range co-eluting precursor ions are transmitted sequentially into the collision cell where collision energies are cycled between low and elevated levels to induce fragmentation. This method of data generation provides both precursor and fragment ion information, at high specificity, allowing for greater accuracy of compound identification, without the need for spectral libraries. The value of the approach in simplifying and “de-cluttering” the spectra of co-eluting lipids is shown with examples from lipidomic profiles obtained in investigations of the composition of organic extracts of livers obtain...
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