Highp T hadrons as leading particles in jets produced at the ISR: I. Momentum distribution of secondaries in the trigger jet

The density of charged particles near a single highp T trigger particle in proton-proton collisions has been studied with the SFM detector at the CERN-ISR. It is shown that:—the secondaries cluster in a jet-like manner about the trigger particle; —the momentum distributions in this trigger jet can be unambiguously separated from the spectator background distributions;—the momentum distributions in this trigger jet can be unambiguously separated from the spectator background distributions;—the momentum component transverse to the jet direction is exponentially damped;—the width of the transverse distributions increases with the momentum component along the jet;—the fractional longitudinal momentum density depends strongly on the trigger transverse momentum and scales with\(x_T = {{2p_T } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{2p_T } {\sqrt s }}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {\sqrt s }}\). All these findings support the hard constituent scattering origin of highp T hadrons.
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