Karakteristik dan potensi mataair di Pulau Siompu Kabupaten Buton Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara

Penelitian Karakteristik dan Potensi Mataair di Pulau Siompu, Kabupaten Buton Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, merupakan kajian sumberdaya air pada pulau kecil berciri karst. Permasalahannya, sumber air yang cukup diandalkan di pulau ini adalah mataair, sementara pertambahan penduduk dan sektor kegiatan cukup cepat. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) mengetahui tipe dan sifat aliran mataair, 2) mengevaluasi potensi mataair sebagai sumber air besih, 3) mengevaluasi tingkat kekritisan mataair akibat perubahan kebutuhan air, 4) mengetahui beban mataair berdasarkan pola ruang pemanfaatan mataaair. Populasi penelitian meliputi mataair, penduduk dan sektor kegiatan. Penentuan sampel mataair menggunakan metode sensus sehingga seluruh mataair dijadikan sebagai unit analisis. Sampel penduduk ditentukan dengan cara stratified random sampling berdasar tingkat pendidikan kepala rumahtangga, yakni sebanyak 368 kepala rumahtangga. Sampel sektor kegiatan ditentukan secara acak dengan jumlah 1 unit tiap sektor, sehingga sampel sektor kegiatan berjumlah 5 unit. Variabel penelitian meliputi kualitas air (kimia, fisik dan biologi), kuantitas air, jenis kebutuhan air, tingkat kebutuhan air, dan tingkat pertumbuhan penduduk. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Analisis tipe dan sifat aliran berdasar atas periode pengaliran, debit, suhu, kontrol geologi, kandungan ion unsur mayor, dan kekeruhan air. Analisis potensi mataair berdasar kualitas dan kuantitas air. Analisis tingkat kekritisan mataair berdasar kuantitas air dan tingkat kebutuhan air. Analisis beban mataair berdasar pola ruang pemanfaatan mataair, menurut variasi tempat tinggal dan tingkat pendidikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tipe dan sifat aliran mataair atas dasar periode alirannya tergolong tipe mataair perennial, atas dasar debit terdiri atas mataair magnitude V dan VI, atas dasar temperatur tergolong ordinary temperature springs, atas dasar kontrol geologi tergolong mataair fracture, atas dasar kation dan anion mayor dikategorikan air tipe kalsium dan bikarbonat, dan seluruh matair memiliki sifat aliran diffuse. Potensi mataair terdapat dua kategori yaitu; potensi sedang meliputi Mataair Lompona, Mataair Kula 1, Mataair Kula 3, dan Mataair Togo; dan potensi tinggi meliputi Mataair Buou dan Mataair Kula 2. Terdapat dua faktor pembatas terhadap potensi mataair, yaitu pembatas primer berupa kandungan HCO3 pada semua mataair, dan pembatas sekunder yang terdapat pada Mataair Kula 1, Mataair Kula 3, dan Mataair Togo. Tingkat keseimbangan antara suplai air dari mataair dengan kebutuhan air akan mencapai level kritis pada tahun 2015. Pola konsumsi air domestik dan individu dipengaruhi jumlah anggota rumahtangga, tingkat pendidikan dan sumber air. Pola orientasi pemanfataan mataair tidak merata karena dipengaruhi oleh aksesibilitas dan kedekatan terhadap sumber mataair, sistem pengembangan sumber air, dan tingkat pendidikan. Seluruh mataair masih cukup optimal dalam memenuhi kebutuhan air penduduk yang memanfaatkannya. The research on The Characteristic and The Potential of The Spring in Siompu Island, Buton Regency, South East Sulawesi Province is a study on water resources in karst small island. The main problem is that the springs as the most reliable water resources in this island are encountering the rapid growth of population and the activity sector. Therefore, this research aims at 1) knows the type and the characteristic of spring’s flow, 2) evaluating the potential of spring as clean water source, 3) evaluating the spring spring criticalness level caused by the change of water needs, 4) knows the burden of spring based on the spring pattern of spring utilization. The research population includes spring, inhabitant and activity sector. The termination of spring sample applies census method that all springs are employed as the analisis unit. The population sample is determined by stratified random sampling based on the education level of head of household, namely 368 of household. Activity sector sample is determined at randomly with the total of 1 unit in each sector, amount 5 units of all the activity samples. The research variable includes water quality (chemical, physical and biological aspect); water quantity and the rate of population growth. The analysis technique applies qualitative descriptive. The analysis of type and characteristics is based on draining period, discharge, temperature, geological control, ion content of major element, and tubidity. The of spring potential is based on water quality and quantity. The analysis of spring criticalness level is based on water quantity and level of water needs. The analysis of the burden of spring is based on spring utilization, according to residence variation and education level. The result research indicates that the type and characteristics of the spring flow based on the flow period belongs to the tipe of perennial spring, based on the discharge consists of magnitude V and VI spring, based on the temperature belongs ordinary temperature springs, based on the geological control belongs to fracture spring, based on the major cation an anion is categorized as bicarbonate and calcium tipe water, and all of the springs have diffuse flow characteristic. Ther are to catagories of spring potential, that are medium potential includes Lompona Spring, Kula 1 Spring, Kula 3 Spring, and Togo Spring; and high potential includes Buou Spring and Kula 2 Spring. There are to restraining factors of spring potential, that are primary restraint in the form of HCO3 in all of the springs, and secondary restrain exacting in Kula 1 Spring, Kula 3 Spring, and Togo Spring. The level of the balance between the water supplies from the spring and the growth of water needs will reached critical level in the yaer 2015. The domestic and individual water consumption pattern is affected by the number of family member, education level and water resources. The orientation pattern of spring utilization is not distributed well because it is affected by the accessibility and proximity to spring resources,water resources development system, and education level. All of the springs still optimally meet the needs of water of the inhabitants utilizing them.
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