Using the Elaboration Likelihood Model to Explain to Whom “#Black Lives Matter” … And to Whom it Does Not

Officer-involved shootings have become an unfortunate regular part of news coverage. After such events, the media often select expert sources to explain the news to the public. Social media has changed this media–source dynamic. Today, laypeople—often African Americans—can go online and provide information that counters the media’s narrative. This analysis examines the effect people’s perception of sources has on their opinion of the Black Lives Matter Movement (#BLM). It also tests what other factors shape audiences’ beliefs about this issue. It finds that people who oppose #BLM have a strong orientation toward social dominance, are less likely to view America as the land of opportunity, and have ideas akin to those of modern racists, in that they oppose Affirmative Action and other race-based programs. This analysis also proposes a change to the Elaboration Likelihood Model, which serves as its theoretical basis. On racially charged issues, the personal relevance of an issue does not appear to matter; p...
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